Fall in Roma 2006

Here you will find the musings, discoveries, exasperations, longings, and general insights of a painter, a poet and their precocious toddler -- all of whom are living, studying, and exploring in Rome for the Fall of 2006.

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Location: Costa Mesa, California, United States

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Graffiti Culture Roma Book is Now in Print!

It's a gorgeous, nearly-200 page book full of images in full color of the graffiti, tagging, scratching, wheat paste, stickers, and pochoir that we photographed while on sabbatical in Rome. It's not so much about the actual scrawl, but about the abstract appeal and design behind the markings.
You've got to have one of these beauties.
Click on the badge below to be taken to the website to purchase your own hard or soft cover version.
p.s. the Hardcover has a few more pix.

The Wall Art of T...
By Lisa and Tom Dowling


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