Fall in Roma 2006

Here you will find the musings, discoveries, exasperations, longings, and general insights of a painter, a poet and their precocious toddler -- all of whom are living, studying, and exploring in Rome for the Fall of 2006.

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Location: Costa Mesa, California, United States

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Butcher, Colors, and Nasone

Clare is getting friedly with the butcher. Today she ordered Vitello all Romana and got exactly what she wanted. He, of course, is smitten, and can you blame him? Tom cooked it up with white wine and lemon, alomng with peas and rice to accompnay the panzella salad I made. (Who knew day old bread could be transformed into such succulence?)

The second pic of of Clare washing her hands in one of the many "nasone" or fountains that have a hooked spout shaped like a nose that gush cool, clean water from the roman acqueducts. She likes to drink and play, drink and play, until she ends up either sick from too much water or wet from too much splashing. Good clean fun.

The third is a pic taken today on our walkabout. I just loved the muted color of the wall and want to coax Tom into painting one of our walls at home this color. Those of you who know him well know the struggle I face! For him: white walls=beautiful. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I prefer the color on the Print Shop...now that's Italian!
The days are flying by and all that made those exciting plans to join you have returned to the fold. We'll miss you at the birthday on Sunday.. Non recordo, do they do Halloween in Rome? Aunt J

9:57 AM  

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